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Profil WEB NOC1797 Benjamin scaled

Where to play & how to win

“The purpose of business is to create and keep a customer, Peter Drucker famously said. To do so, you need to know your customers better than rivals do. And that’s when we bring out our marketing scientists. They outline how your customers think. Behave. And they’ll predict how they’ll act. You’ll use their models to make two strategic choices. You’ll choose where to play with customers. And how to win them over. When data drive your choices, you stand out in the eyes of customers. And get an edge over rivals.”


Profil WEB NOC0838 Noa scaled

Small data make a big difference

“To make better choices, you don’t need big data. You get a lot of wisdom from one data point, if you piece it together with other data points. Suddenly, you get a patchwork of data points about customers. And a lot of wisdom. You can predict how they behave, when you connect with them. You can also use small data for machine learning. Just clean your data and label your examples correctly. And you’ll get precise predictions. Which lead to better decisions. So yes, just like small changes, small data can make a big difference.”



MGL9882 scaled

Tag management is often sold short

“Tags are the points where you collect data from customers. They’re on websites, ads, videos and apps. With tags we measure your customer interactions. Tag management is the system by which you name and order your tags. When we manage tags, we set them up at the right points. And we use logic to order them. Your data are created, structured, and ready for use. Yet, tag management is often sold short.”


What we do

We set up your analytics and tag management. We create tags. Name them. And put them in order, so data flow from your customers to your company.

We see which the data you have. And we see how they move across your applications. We specify which architectural patterns, data pipelines, and integrations will work for you. We map these patterns, pipelines, and integrations in your data architecture.

We implement your data architecture. We create the data pipelines. We produce the architectural patterns. And we make the data integrations. We tie these to your customer data platform, so you can stitch data across platforms and devices.

We clean and label your data. Then we model the data. Train the models to make precise predictions about your customers. And you’ll make better decisions.

We set up your data operations. We ensure that you can integrate and deliver updates to your models and data. We deploy. And we improve.

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